Dodho magazine
Dodho magazine collaborates with photographers from around the world in a space open to the most inspiring stories in the photography world.
Click the image below to view the publication about my project ‘self-portraits in strangers’ houses’.
Blond & Bril
Je bent bedankt Frans Pollux, fies menke!
Klik op het vieze plaatje hieronder om de tekst beter te kunnen lezen.
Opening ‘A house is not a home’ Limburgs Museum Venlo (Nl)
More images can be found here
Interview by Guus Benders, omroep Venlo below.
A house is not a home
Building the exhibition ‘A house is not a home’ at Limburgs Museum Venlo.
Thanks for your hard work Stan. Our teamwork is always a great pleasure to me.
L1 Radio Cultuurcafé
Interview by Jolien Linssen on behalf of L1 Cultuurcafé Venlo (Nl) about my book ‘A house is not a home’.
A preview of the book can be found here.
Opening Art.Room Roermond (Nl)
Collection Limburgs Museum Venlo (Nl)
I herewith proudly announce that Limburgs Museum purchased some of my self-portraits for its collection. They will be shown during the exhibition ‘A house is not a home’, starting January 10 till March 9, 2014.